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Purrfect Picks: How to buy the perfect cat toys for your cat

Cats are known to be very active creatures, and toys allow them to burn some of their energy while getting a healthy amount of exercise. Join us as we explore the different types of toys best suited to cats based on their development stage

It is critical to keep our feline companions happy and occupied for their overall well-being. Cats are natural hunters with a strong desire for mental and physical stimulation. Providing them with a variety of interesting toys not only fulfils their natural inclinations, but also boosts their overall well-being. However, with a multitude of alternatives on the market, finding the appropriate playthings for your cat might be difficult. We’re here to lend a helping paw and provide vital advice in growing your existing toy collection, ensuring that your furry buddy remains cognitively active and satisfied.

Understand Your Cat’s Preferences

Just like humans, cats have individual preferences when it comes to play. Some may prefer chasing and pouncing, while others may prefer toys that they can scratch or cuddle with. Spend some time monitoring your cat’s behaviour and noting what kinds of toys they prefer. This will assist you in selecting toys that correspond to their natural tendencies and interests. Here are some important variables to consider:

1. Play style

Cats have different play styles, and recognising your catโ€™s preferred style will help you select toys that cater to their natural instincts. Some cats are โ€œstalkersโ€ who enjoy stealthily pouncing on their prey while others are โ€œchasersโ€ who love to run after toys. Some cats may prefer interactive play, while others may enjoy independent play. Observe how your cat engages with different toys to determine their play style

2. Toy Texture

Cats have varying preferences when it comes to textures. Some may enjoy toys with soft, plus materials that they can kick and cuddle with, while others may prefer toys with rough textures for scratching and biting. Experiment with toys made from different materials, such as fabric, sisal, or rubber to see which textures your cat responds to positively

3. Noise and movement

Many cats are attracted to toys that make noise or mimic the movements of prey. Toys with rattling sounds, squeakers, or crinkly materials can be enticing for cats.ย 

4. Catnip or Valerian

Catnip and valerian are plants that can have a stimulating effect on cats. While not all cats are affected by these plants, those that are can have a strong positive response to toys infused with catnip or valerian. Consider trying out toys that contain these natural attractants to see if your cat shows interest and enjoyment

5. Size and Shape

The size and shape of the toy can also influence your catโ€™s preference. Some cats may prefer smaller toys that they can easily carry around and bat with their paws. Others may enjoy larger toys that they can wrestle with or kick. Experiment with toys of different sizes and shapes to see which ones your cat engages with most enthusiastically

6. Personalised Interactions

Every cat is unique, so donโ€™t forget to factor in your catโ€™s individual personality and behaviours. For instance, if your cat enjoys hiding or burrowing, consider toys that incorporate tunnels or hiding spots. If your cat loves height, invest in a cat tree or shelves where they can climb and perch. You can visit Zumshop to purchase a cat hammock that is easily attachable for your furry friend to climb.

Consider Your Cat’s Development Stages

Cats go through different stages of growth and maturity, and their toy preferences may change accordingly. Toys that encourage exploration and physical activity are great for kittens, who are more energetic and interested. Adult cats may appreciate toys that test their problem-solving abilities or stimulate their minds. For senior cats, they may prefer toys that promote gentle activity and comfort.

Interactive Toys for Bonding

Interactive toys not only keep your cat engaged, but also help to build your bond with your feline companion. They are also an excellent method to spend quality time with your pet while mentally stimulating them. Here are some interactive toy examples:

1. Wand Toys

Wand toys are a classic choice for interactive play and bonding with your cat. They typically consist of a long wand with feathers, strings, or toys attached to the end. You can move the wand in a way that mimics prey, encouraging your cat to chase, pounce, and engage their hunting instincts. It allows for shared playtime, creating a special bond between you and your feline companion.

2. Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys engage your cat’s mind and reward them for solving puzzles or manipulating parts to access treats or toys. These toys can provide mental stimulation and a bonding experience as you encourage and assist your cat in figuring out how to solve the puzzle. There are various types of puzzle toys available, such as treat-dispensing balls or interactive feeders. Check out Zumshopโ€™s 3-in-1 toy to keep your cat stimulated and engaged for hours.

3. Laser Pointers

Laser pointers can be an engaging toy for interactive play and bonding. The laser dot moves around, and your cat will chase and try to catch it. It’s important to use the laser pointer responsibly and avoid shining it directly into your cat’s eyes. End the play session with a tangible toy or treat to give your cat a sense of accomplishment.

4. Cat Fishing Toys

These toys typically consist of a stick or rod with a line and a toy attached to the end, resembling a fishing rod. You can move the toy in a way that imitates the movements of a fish, enticing your cat to chase and “catch” it. This interactive play can create a playful and interactive bond between you and your cat.

5. Treat-Dispensing Toys

Treat-dispensing toys can be a great way to engage your cat’s mind and provide a rewarding experience. These toys have compartments or openings where you can place treats or kibble. As your cat interacts with the toy, they are rewarded with a tasty treat. This interactive play strengthens the bond between you and your cat as they associate you with fun and rewards.

6. Feather Teasers

Feather teasers are interactive toys that stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts. They typically consist of a long stick or wand with feathers attached to the end. The enticing feathers flutter and mimic the movements of birds, captivating your cat’s attention and encouraging them to chase, pounce, and jump. Playing together with a feather teaser can be a fun and bonding experience.

7. Rope toys

Rope toys stimulate the catโ€™s natural instinct to hunt and play. Cats can bat, pounce on and wrestle with the toy while enjoying the rope textures. The texture also provides a satisfying grip for their claws.

Variety is Key

Just like humans, cats can get bored with the same toys over time. Introduce a range of toys with diverse textures, shapes, and sounds to make playtime interesting. Feather toys, catnip-filled toys, crinkle balls, laser pointers, and tunnels are just a few of the many choices. Remember to rotate the toys on a regular basis to avoid your cat becoming too accustomed to a single toy. Store some toys out of sight and introduce them periodically to create a sense of novelty. Rotate the toys to keep playtime fresh and exciting, as your cat will have a new selection of toys to explore and interact with. By providing a variety of toys with different textures, shapes, sounds and interactive features, you can keep playtime engaging, mentally stimulating and ultimately, a source of joy for your beloved feline companion.

Safety First

When purchasing cat toys, prioritise safety. Here are some important safety factors to keep in mind:

1. Size and Choking Hazards

Choose toys that are an appropriate size for your cat. Avoid toys with small parts, loose strings or easily detachable components that could be swallowed and pose a choking hazard. Check for any potential choking hazards ad remove or repair toys that are damaged or worn out

2. Non-Toxic Materials

Ensure that the toys you purchase are made from safe and non-toxic materials. Cats may lick, bite, or chew on their toys, so it’s important to avoid toys that contain harmful chemicals, dyes, or substances that could be toxic if ingested.

3. Durability

Look for toys that are well-constructed and designed to withstand your cat’s play habits. Cats can be quite rough with their toys, so choose ones that are durable and made to withstand scratching, biting, and tossing without easily falling apart.

4. Avoid Strings and Ribbons

Strings, ribbons, and cords can pose a risk of entanglement or strangulation if your cat gets tangled up in them. It’s best to avoid toys with long, thin strings or ribbons that could potentially cause harm. If using wand toys, ensure that the string or cord is securely attached to the wand and can’t easily come loose.

5. Supervision

Always supervise your cat during playtime, especially with new toys. This allows you to observe their interaction with the toy and intervene if necessary to prevent accidents or injuries. If your cat tends to be rough or destructive with toys, consider interactive toys that require your participation and can be safely put away when not in use.

6. Age Appropriateness

Consider your cat’s age and activity level when selecting toys. Kittens may have different toy preferences and energy levels compared to adult or senior cats. Choose toys that are suitable for your cat’s age, physical abilities, and developmental stage.

7. Avoid Toxic Substances

Be cautious of toys that contain substances that could be harmful to cats. Some examples include certain types of glues, paints, or synthetic materials that may contain toxins. Read product labels and opt for toys made from safe materials, such as natural fabrics or cat-friendly plastics.

Inspect your cat’s toys for wear and tear on a regular basis, and replace them as needed. Remember that no toy is indestructible, and it is critical to prioritise your cat’s safety over the durability of a toy. You can guarantee that the toys you purchase for your cat provide enjoyment and stimulation without endangering their health.


By understanding your cat’s preferences, considering their development stages, opting for interactive toys, embracing variety, and prioritising safety, you can build an exciting toy collection that keeps your feline friend mentally stimulated and content. Remember that each cat is unique, so don’t be afraid to try new things to find out what actually makes your feline companion purr with happiness. Check out ZumShop for fun playthings and other vet-approved supplies that would be perfect for your cat. Happy shopping, and here’s to many joyful moments with your playful feline companion!

Pro Tip

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